Booking appointments in my office F 121 or online
for anyone who wishes to see me about any matters including any aspects of the Anglo-American Studies courses and module exams, theses (Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten) in Anglo-American Studies, student-taught sessions, or for anything else (like exchange programs with Bishop's, 2-Fach-BA degrees, etc) you wish to see me about in person (contact per email 24/7).

Wednesday appointments are online. I'll send a Big Blue Button link to those who book a Wednesday slot. Thursday and Friday appointments are scheduled on campus in my office but can also take place online. Please indicate your preference for an online meeting in your booking.

You can easily book your own appointment during the semester and during the break by using the app below.

If you wish to discuss my evaluation of your topic group sessions or to talk about any other aspect of our Anglo-American Studies seminars, please include your name(s) in the Full Name box with the name of the seminar you are currently attending.

If you wish to discuss your module exams or your thesis or any other topic, please include the relevant details also in the Full Name box (for example: "module exam 3/5/6" or "thesis").

Please book your appointments early enough since available slots disappear when they're not booked at least one day in advance.