Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
If you want to study in Germany, you need a health insurance. A health insurance is mandatory by federal law for all students and employees in Germany. That means that you have to show a proof of your health insurance in order to be enrolled at the University of Koblenz.
Private travel or emergency insurances will not be accepted for enrollment. However, they may be required for visa application. We recommend you to arrange a travel health insurance for your journey to Germany and then to take out a regular health insurance after your arrival in Germany.
In general, there are two kinds of health insurances in Germany: statutory health insurances and private health insurances. Both types of health insurances will cover some costs of treatments and medications in case of illnesses and accidents. But, the scope of the coverage varies considerably.
Statuary health insurances: The statuary health insurance providers are obliged to offer special student rates (for students who are not older than 30 years). The student tariff amounts about 110 Euros per month and is available until the age of 30 years and/or until you have completed your 14th subject-related semester. The payment for treatments and medications will be proceeded automatically from your physician or hospital and your statuary health insurance provider. The basic coverage includes check-ups, treatment for illnesses and after accidents, and certain medications.
Private health insurances: The terms and conditions of private health insurances vary from provider to provider. In most of the cases you have to pay for medication first and get the money back from the private health insurance provider. Low-priced insurance packages may cover only the most basic services, The costs in the case of an accident or illness can add up quickly. General costs for hospitalisation should be covered.
Students from a non-EU country who are older than 29 years can opt only for a private health insurance. Prices for this type of health insurance vary depending on your personal background.
Private travel or emergency health insurances will not be recognized as a student health insurance. They don't fulfil the requirements of enrollment.
Students from EU countries are usually covered by the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). Normally they don't have to take out a health insurance in Germany in order to be enrolled.
After their arrival students from EU countries can show their EHIC to a public health insurance provider in order to get a special document for the enrollment called "Bescheinigung von der Befreiung von der Krankenversicherungspflicht" (proof of exemption from compulsory health insurance). That document will be accepted for the enrollment as a proof of health insurance.
In Germany you are personally liable for any damage that you cause to other people or their property. Accidents can happen easily and may have expensive consequences - you might break a window, knock over a vase in a shop or cause an accident involving a pedestrian or a cyclist. If a person is injured in an accident caused by you, you are liable not only for material damages, but also for compensation, hospital and rehabilitation costs and for the loss of earnings of the injured party. It is, therefore, highly advisable to get a personal liability insurance which will cover the costs of such accidents. Insurances are available starting from 40 EUR per year at nearly every insurance company.
We recommends all students to take out an accident insurance, as well.