Study & more
at the Mathematics/ Natural Sciences faculty
Information for pupils
The University of Koblenz is a young, medium-sized university. Its scientific profile is characterised by education, humanities, cultural studies, social sciences, natural sciences and computer sciences in Koblenz. A wide range of study and further education programmes are built on this foundation.
Some of these offerings are also available in extracurricular teaching-learning workshops and laboratories in our faculty.
Below you will find an overview and further links to our programmes.
Do you have any questions? You are welcome to contact us.
STEM and more....
As studying is not just about learning, you will find everything you need to know about studying and campus life below.
You will find information on finding accommodation, the food on offer in the canteens and leisure activities.
You will also find course-specific information on our study programmes.
The faculty offers a wide range of STEM courses, which are constantly being further developed.
The teaching programmes in the Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics), Mathematics, Sports Science and Nutrition and Consumer Education are recognised as the foundation of the teaching.
Our research focus is on the ecologically and economically significant field of tension "Material & the Environment", in which we offer independent interdisciplinary Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes,
Range of study programmes with Bachelor's degree
Range of study programmes with Master's degree
Further information and counselling services
You can find more information about the degree programme on the following pages.