Visit profile

Specialist study counselling - Study programme coordinators
at the Mathematics / Natural Sciences facultySpecialist study counselling - Study programme coordinators
Below you will find an overview of the persons currently responsible for the study programmes.
They are your first point of contact for specific questions relating to the content of the study programme.
Study programme
B.Ed. / M.Ed. Chemistry
Study programme director
Study programme
B.Ed. / M.Ed. Geography
Study programme director
Study programme
B.Ed. / M.Ed. Physics
2-subject Bachelor (basic subject "Basic Knowledge of Physics"; basic subject "Experimental and Theoretical Physics" with coupled elective subject "Physics in Practice")Elective subject "Fundamentals of Physics" )
Study programme
B.Ed. / M.Ed. Mathematics
2-subject Bachelor (elective subject Mathematics)
Study programme
B.Ed. / M.Ed. Sport
Study programme director
Study programme
B.Sc. / M.Sc. Applied Natural Sciences
Study programme director
Study programme
B.Sc. / M. Sc. Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
Study programme director
Study programme
B.Sc. / M.Sc. BioGeoSciences
Study programme director
Study programme
M. Sc. Applied Physics
Study programme director
Study programme
M.Sc. Ceramic Science and Engineering